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由Crabbotelli編輯: 12/21/2015 12:47:40 PM

Warning for noobies thinking of buying the booster packs

DON'T This is nearly the price of a full game and does not represent value for money, not even remotely. This is not a thread about pay to win/bungie lied Frankly those arguments bore me now as everybody is just saying the same. Here my concern is people may be unaware what a waste of money it is. It's takes 2-6 hours to get to level 25 and being 25 offers you not much more than at level one. At £5 maybe it's a more realistic ask but this is just outrageous. This booster pack is barely a booster at all, starting from scratch doesn't put you at that much of a disadvantage and a few games in crucible you'll easily get to that level. The game is not old enough to warrant a noobie booster pack at that price as the time saved is minimal. Not to mention surely you'll want to play through the missions as you bought the game to play. Being a level 25 in the early missions will make the game easier, but honestly it's easy enough without it. That being said its your money you want to get it, that's up to you, I just think you'll regret it once you do Edit: spelling/grammar corrections Edit 2: few people have brought up the reduction in materials you would have if you skipped these levels and jumped straight into TTK, it's a good point that I had not considered Edit 3: common counter argument other than the troll posts is many noobs won't see this sort of message, so it's pointless, if just a few see this and realise, I would considered it a success I for one, was in the forums early on into my progress of this game. For me it's more an altruistic approach, in I believe it doesn't represent value for money, and there's no way to know that unless you play the game, it doesn't directly affect me but doesn't mean I can't try to show people it's way overpriced Edit 4: seems to have created a good discussion about value for money. To those arguing against my post thank you for the well reasoned points (on the most part). In fairness I hadn't really considered the fully upgraded subclass but I still believe it doesn't represent value for money. Those saying we should bump over Christmas period to help the visibility of this post for Christmas noobs I think is an excellent idea, and shows this community can be positive.



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  • Think about the booster pack like a car valet. Not everyone is going to valet their car, in fact most will park it on their own and walk, but some will find the value in the valet service. Clearly the booster pack isn't marketed at you as you perceive no value, but surely there are some people who do see the value. To those people it's all about convenience, not cost.



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