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原先發佈於:Fireteam 99 Division Zulu
由Morty編輯: 12/22/2015 1:53:27 AM

This is YOUR group not mine.

Hola, Aloha, Konichiwa, Hello! I thought I'd begin by saying thank you if you decided to come this far. Your time is appreciated ! I want to put forward the effort to remind everyone this group is possible and WILL BE A GREAT CLAN! We define the group. We define who we are in this place. Let's become great! 1. IDEAS- If you have any ideas on How to improve the group's capability to operate and function please feel free to post! ( I ask that you number your post with the corresponding number ) Example: JOE SHMOO 1-What if everyone post time zones so that we can coordinare times of play or have a section to know who is on. / If you have suggestions for numbers for sections of this forum let me know! I will edit and add to this section as more and more people advise the group on how it'll go /



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