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12/22/2015 4:43:39 PM

I love you guys

You guys are great. Sometimes I leave Destiny for awhile and come back in fear that a lot has changed, and a lot does in game, but when coming back on the forums it's like I never left especially with all this talk to nerfing this and nerfing that, oh and can't forget the talks of which class is dominant. It makes me feel like I never left and I still have time to catch up on anything I missed. Jokes aside I love this community (sometimes). This is actually my first fps game and one in which I actually visit the forums. The love and the hate is quite entertaining. This is just some random post that no one will probably see, to just take a minute and appreciate the things this game has given us - some great (and terribly bad) entertainment. See you around guardians - Azzi ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
#Destiny #fam



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