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由Khaos Inside編輯: 12/9/2014 8:20:49 PM

Question about Suppressor nade

Got a question that needs answering, The suppressor grenade for the defender titan, what exactly does it do in PVE ? -Does it stop wizard from shooting at us ? ---Does it stop then from putting up theyre clouds ? -Does it take down theyre shields ? Answer needed please thank you



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  • Suppressor grenades are the best thing in the world to use against Wizards. If they get caught in the blast, all they can do is run away. They can't poison cloud, they can't cast their darkness blast, they can't take any offensive action at all. They are ESPECIALLY useful on the Omnigol strike. So much so, that if you're not using them, you're doing you're fireteam a disservice.



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