First off, I want to state that I am not trying to speak for the masses or assume that everyone feels the way I do. I just want to explain my thoughts and start a discussion. Also, I am a PvE player. I don't like PvP even though I'm good at it. I only play PvP for loot that I want for PvE content - Year 1's The Scholar (Adept) and Efrideet's Spear, and year 2's Iron Banner Scout Rifle Colovance's Duty. In case you're wondering, I'm a longtime Destiny fan and have been playing since the beta. I've had more fun raiding in this game than any other game I've ever played.
In my opinion, the worst thing about the current state of Destiny is the blanket balancing nerfs applied to weapons for the sole purpose of balancing PvP, but which radically remove fun from PvE content. I want PvP to be balanced by all means, but I feel that any balancing tweaks should only affect how a weapon performs in Crucible, NOT everywhere.
I had so much fun during House of Wolves when I had great weapons that really made me feel like I had "become legend." I had high-impact Scout Rifles and Sniper Rifles with god rolls. Then we restarted everything with TTK. All progress lost, all great weapons lost and nerfed into the ground. I feel like the Field Scout nerf was the worst. The only reason anyone used Field Scout was for the larger clip size. While I agree that it could be too powerful in PvP, it definitely wasn't in PvE - it didn't matter how many shots you had in the clip against Skolas...that was a tough fight.
When weapons have thier damage output nerfed for PvP balance they generally disappear completely from PvE content usage. This is a major problem that I really hoped is addressed in Destiny - perhaps for Destiny 2?
I also miss using my old weapons. Why did they have to be left behind? Couldn't I as a gamer be entrusted to make my own decision on what weapons I wanted to use? Couldn't I decide how to best play the game to my personal play style?
One last thing...When I do play Crucible the lag is horrendous. Most of your competitors have moved PvP onto dedicated servers and thrown peer-to-peer connections out the window. Please follow suit.
[u][b]Proposed solutions:[/b][/u]
1. First do whatever you need to do to make balancing weapon damage for PvP ONLY affect the weapon in Crucible. I understand this is most likely a major overhaul of complicated systems, but also remember when shotguns were buffed 50% in PvE content only. Please make all further nerfs this way (only affect PvP play).
2. Allow us to infuse our year 1 weapons and armor - or at the very least our raid armor and marks/cloaks/bonds from EVERYWHERE. I still feel like the VoG and CE armor was the coolest. I would like the option of infusing them to year 2 levels. Also, I am glad you added the collector's edition mark/cloak/bond from TTK to the list of stuff we can infuse, but why can't I infuse every single mark/cloak/bond in the game to year 2 levels? This would allow me to have greater control over my appearance - which is never a bad thing.
3. Undo the nerfs applied to weapons for PvP balancing for all PvE content. [b]Leave PvP balance in place,[/b] but alter the way the weapons work in PvE so they work the way they used to. This should include perks like Field Scout and damage nerfs like what happened to the Vex Mythoclast. I want to see the Vex work like it used to again in PvE - 60 shots in the clip and a 30% damage increase from where it is now (that is how it worked when VoG launched for those of you who do not know).
4. Nix the peer-to-peer networking in Crucible and upgrade to dedicated servers to remove the lag. I played some Halo 5 multiplayer recently and there was no lag at all. This is how Destiny should be.
[b]TL;DR:[/b] Destiny has made some great improvements in the last year (namely TTK's story), but still has some things that should be addressed for Destiny to succeed in the future (hopefully by Destiny 2's launch). I feel that changes should be made to weapons in PvE to undo nerfs for PvP balance (in PvE ONLY) and that we should have more freedom of player choice by way of the ability to infuse year 1 gear - particularly marks/cloaks/bonds and old raid armor to change our appearance.
[b]If you could infuse one weapon from any point in Destiny's timeline to the current max attack level of 320 what would it be?[/b] Mine would be a pre-nerfed Efrideet's Spear with Surplus, Field Scout, and Clown Cartridge (in my opinion the very best roll for a sniper for PvE content) from Iron Banner year 1. A close 2nd place choice would be The Scholar (Adept) from Trials of Osiris year 1. I really miss those weapons. Nothing would make me happier than having the two of those plus a Sleeper Simulant all at 320 - that would be so much fun. Bungie please make this happen!
So what your saying is, they finally figured out how to string together a few missions with coherent objectives that make sense, but they wrecked every other aspect of the game LOL. I defer to my comments regarding the Bungie Dev interview on weapon balance. These people have no clue what they are doing. They balance for weapon usage overall rather than trying to make each weapon powerful in their designed roles and let players choose their weapons based on playstyle. They nerf everything fun about Y1 and take away the gear that made us feel like gods because they couldn't top any of that gear with weapons/armor in Y2. Become Legend has been replaced with "Become Addicted - to the grind...."
Another post with someone begging on their hands and knees to the all mighty Bungie. When are you and so many others like you going to release what this game is about and exactly what your opinion means to Bungie? After 15+ months all of you should understand they are going to do what they want. You should also understand that what was pimped at E3 isn't what we received. Do yourself a favor and grow a pair. Walk away from this average game and if you really are that addicted to Destiny, then sit it out until Destiny 2 drops and read through every review you can find on it to see if anything has changed before you drop another dime on this mess.
The best thing for this game is to flat out just ignore it. Kind of like a child that cries when they don't get candy. Bungie needs to get forced into making it better. I.e, all the beneficial problems that helped players being fixed immediately as a starter. Kind of sad Bungie needs that sort of kick in the ass though.