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1/7/2016 9:08:48 PM

What specific things do you like in Destiny considering all DLC?

Some positive feedback. For me: 1. Shooting mechanics/weapons. 2. Leveling system in HOW mainly etheric light. 3. Weapon/armor upgrade nodes requiring less resources since HoW DLC. 4. Quest tracking systems in TTK. 5. Turning in Bounties from bounty screen. 6. Art style is good: Earth, Mars, Venus, The Fallen the Cabal are all good. Still alive just too much Hive and Taken who are just very Brown and Gray. Also the shininess of objects is way to high at times. 7. Motes of Light utility for upgrading. 8. All endgame content relevance in endgame during HoW DLC. 9. Elemental weapons for all types. 10. Year 1 exotic bounties which were all possible for solo players so you can do them on your schedule. 11. No time gates. I cannot think of more. The bad are plenty but not listing them here. Also some of these are gone at this point the first one being the worst.



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