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1/10/2016 5:21:27 AM

People calling for Stormtrance to be nerfed are pathetic and are scrubs

Ever since TTK released I felt the warlocks got a good all around super. Even when sunbreaker was the top dog for a while I still thought stormcallers were balanced. But since the scrubs (aka the huntards, yes there is a difference between huntard and hunter, so calm the calamity that is your mammaries good hunters) nerfed sunbreakers to the ground. Soon enough we all knew it'd be a matter of time that stormcallers were put under the gun. And it happens, there's a post of nerf this or that and honestly if you think nerfing something cuz it killed you will make the game balanced is ludicrous. Not to mention you point out to everyone how much of a bad player you are, so get good scrubs, cuz nerfing isn't going to help you get there. Rant over



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