House of Sherpas - Mature and Chilled PS4 / XBOX Clan
We are a mature group dedicated in helping people with Destiny content. Our group Founder and Moderators have been playing Destiny since Beta release and have completed all current end game content, including Kings Fall Hard Mode + Challenge Modes.
We help anyone with:
* Kings Fall Raid
* Crota's End Raid
* Vault of Glass Raid
* Prison of Elders
* Weekly Nightfall
* Exotic Bounties
* Daily Stories
* Trials of Osiris
* Character "Power" Levelling
[b]You don't need a mic to join our Group[/b]
[b]You don't need Black Spindle or ToM to Raid with us.[/b]
Feel free to check out our Group / Clan ( House of Sherpas )
If you consider yourself to be a "Sherpa" and are willing to help new people complete the Kings Fall Raid, or any other activity, please message one of the Admins. We need more Sherpas to help more guardians become Legend.