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由GRIM編輯: 1/11/2016 2:49:01 AM

Bungie personal all vanish on xmas?

Comming on jan 11th and stilll no word from bungie, no updates news, and for those t9hat dont have all exotic quests done, havent seen a daily to do so. They do do an exellent job and i think all the net news media peope got nothing to do but try and down one of the best games as far as constant things to do. If u have 3 character classes as i do a week isnt a larger amo6nt of time given if u do all crucible ((nightfall equivaent)) bountys and all bountys daily events etc, but awaiting patches and,, well was expecti[spoiler][/spoiler]ng a "surprize" for xmas new years turn over. I think..or rather hope thats what this goast town at bungie is a grind time to do so and to keep "press" youtubers and gamer informers in dark to blow up and set destiny on a pedistal above the rest and stick it to cridics out there.



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