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由Metni編輯: 1/17/2016 6:42:19 AM

My thoughts

I decided to crack and make this thread in regards to the following: If you haven't already, join The Peoples Gaming, because it's awesome. The topic "we all have our own thoughts about Bungie" brings many ideas into my head. It's always interesting to see the wide variety of different players and users. Believe it or not, I've met quite a few people on these forums who don't know what Halo is. "Bungie" may ring a bell to them- maybe a friend told them about a badass game or two. I still find myself being that friend often. Then, you'll find users who know and hold Bungie history close to their heart, who have been there since the beginning, and would bleed blue if ever asked to. Even a mix of both. Either way, there's always that [i]one thing[/i] that every user on this forum has in common with one another. We like to play games. You like to play games. I like to play games. We already have something in common, and when you interact, a relationship builds immediately. I've never seen it happen so easily anywhere else. Halo days aside ([i]which is a completely different dimension and time that dates back to who knows when[/i])- I have had the chance to play and interact with so many incredible people, not only because of Destiny, but because of Bnet and the urban culture that you'll find around the forums. I have had the chance to lurk different forums, play different games, and involve myself in different, game-related discussions all elsewhere. Trust me, nobody does it like we do it here- good and bad. Bungie will mean different things to different people. Some people want to sue Bungie because they deleted their Passage Coins by mistake, and others like myself appreciate the content that they produce, and have always produced. That's from my perspective. I rarely care about what goes right and what goes wrong, especially in Destiny. I genuinely have fun playing the game. A lot of fun. What it fully means to me is something that can't really be described, having it been a part of my life for a pretty long time. It's online, yes. This doesn't make it any less of a community, or anything other than real. Any Bnet veteran can confirm that for you. Involve yourself in the community, join groups, make friends, and you'll probably never shake this site and community off either. Bungie does it best. That's the tru7h.
#Bungie #Tru7h



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  • Hello Bungie!! Hope you see this... I was just wondering if you can just do many people a favor and bring back armour back from year one . There were many warlocks armour you left that were smart and help warlocks. You brought back mask of the third man which lets arc blade have their super longer. You gave Titans two grenades and upgraded their year one exotic. For warlocks you have changed two exotic that are pretty worthless which are "star fire protocol" and "heart of the praxic Fire" both are good but giving the fact that lighting grenade have range and fusion grenade don't and could only possible get one kill. In the other hand lightings grenades pact more of a punch and kill multiple people if placed right. I have been in destiny since it has release. I think your exotic for the character are amazing but you forgot a very useful one for self resurrect which is PURIFICER ROBES these were handy why because you could use them and you would get killed fast not... People can camp on a body and if you self resurrect you can one hit kill them. What I think you should do is bring it back and change the perk for it instead of making it that people close are blinded but also people sniper long you orb kind of like the exotic sniper "Hereafter" This would help and just give warlocks a chance to come up against snipers, shotguns and other supers. This perk would pretty much would last until you can start moving again. I think that would be great to have back. It's a shame to see a bright idea go to waste. Spend time on exotic and they are just life back.



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