It's nothing more than a panic button. A goddamn panic button.
It requires literally ZERO skill to kill people with it. You simply press a button and everyone around you dies in less than a second. Once the animation has been initiated, the only way to stop it is if you have a super, three rocket launchers, or a dozen shotguns already aimed at the guy. No other super activates that fast, so unless you have one already active, and are aiming at them, you've got pretty much no freaking chance of stopping it.
What the hell are you supposed to do? Stay away from all titans at all times just in case one might have it ready? Killing a Titan before he has the chance to press the button doesn't work, as he'll simply have it ready the next time he respawns. It's simply not feasible to kill a Titan after the button's been pressed unless he's already severely wounded.
Why the hell is it that whenever this is brought up on the forums, everyone jumps to its defense?
The striker subclass is supposed to be unstoppable, I get it. What I don't like is how no other class has a super that's that goddamn effective. No other class has a super that, once activated, guarantees that everyone around you will die unless they either happen to have a super capable of killing you already active, or they have a fist of havoc that they can also use to survive the explosion.
I know that these forums has a severe allergic reaction to the word "nerf", but I really think that Fist of Panic deserves it. At least make it so that in PVP it requires a second to charge before detonating, making their window of vulnerability slightly larger.
"Press a button to instantly kill everyone around you." is OP in the crucible even amongst supers. It simply can't be countered by anything because once it's activated, you've got less than a second to react, which is not enough time to do anything capable of stopping it.
Either give us a more time to counter it, or give the other classes a super each that is equally unstoppable.
[b]To everyone who will inevitably side with the super and insult me in the comments below, I genuinely want to know how you can justify this. Every super has a bane, a weakness, except this one. GG has no armor and can easily be shut down, WoD can be countered by simply staying away from the bubble or blowing it up with another super, Stormcaller is easily noticable and thus gives players a chance to react and flee from it. Fist of Havoc has no weakness. If you're in range when it's activated, you will die.. If you disagree, I challenge you to explain a reliable method of not dying when you're in range of an incoming panic fist.[/b]
Seriously, the only ways a FoH could actually NOT kill people is if they somehow belly flopped off the map, chose to waste it when there were no enemies around, or if they chose to belly flop at someone who already had GG aimed at them ready to fire. Also if someone reacted by activating their own belly flop so the armor would protect them, but that's assuming they're a titan and also have a ready-to-activate FoH.
All of the above can be avoided with even the slightest bit of competence and should not be considered "weaknesses" of the super.
I main a titan and even I think that fist of havoc has way to much armor. Yesterday in osiris I shot a FoH in the head with my sniper. All i got was a hitmark -.- (i'm 335 light so level advantage wasn't there
I'm tired of the striker fist of Havoc me and I'm all the way in the air. I mean I double jump and he hits the ground he has nothing to do with me directly above him 20 yards up. you can dodge grenades, bullets, hell you can even Dodge Nova bomb, you can dodge the warlocks void so why is it that can't be done if ur in the air? I could be practical about it, what is the actual "aerial" radius of fist of havoc if there even is one?
Land fall is a fist of havoc and then the warlock gets 30 seconds of free kills and you are saying FoH is OP, I can see where you are coming from but FoH is probably the weakest super, right next to ward of dawn, if anything Storm Trance needs the nerf, because you said "just run away" but 1. The land fall is unnoticeable until after it kills you like FoH 2. Blink will allow thw warlock to outrun you or even with focused burst 3. The range is insane 4. You are able to lightning and chain mutiple players at once Sorry but FoH is weak compared to this and the other supers And just to be clear I am NOT trying to be rude or start anything bad, just saying FoH isnt as a strong as he saying.
由VdubExile編輯: 1/28/2016 4:30:36 AMReally dude? If you think it's so op play the class yourself. It doesn't always work out and when you use it in a panic you normally get one kill. Considering storm callers and arc blades can wipe a team, it's pretty lackluster for an arc subclass. Btw, did you notice void is a support? Solar is precision? And arc is Speed and power??? It fits its role as intended. #StopTheNerfs !!!!
Cry me a -blam!-ing river. Why not go complain about Stormcaller that allows any -blam!-ing noob to go about the ENTIRE MAP whilst supering and killing everything in its path at high agility and high armor nearly impossible to kill. Time to fix THAT. Go -blam!- your self, you cancer.
Ok I play as a hunter in crucible haven't played crucible long and not the best in the world because I mostly played PvE since the start of year one and played control once and now I'm hooked just take the punch and go back after him there's even certain powers on other classes you can't counter just pretty much live with it get better weapons or find something on your super that'll set your character up for success
Arrr, are you ready scrubs? Aye Aye Bungie! I can’t hear you! Aye Aye Bungie! Ooooh, who lives in a raid arena under the reef? Spongebob nerf pants! Annoying and glitchy and laggy is he? Spongebob nerf pants! If terrible loot drops is something you wish, Spongebob nerf pants! Then go to the forums and cry like a bitch! Spongebob nerf pants! Ready? Sponge bob nerf pants, Spongebob nerf pants! Spongebob nerf pants! Spongebob, nerf pants
I would suggest not allowing a Striker Titan -a close quarters melee specialist that shines the brightest when he is within smacking distance of you- to get within smacking distance of you. How do you counter a Striker? By playing to his weaknesses just like any other enemy. Stay out of melee range and you will be fine. Can't keep that Titan out at a comfy distance? He keeps getting up in your face like any good melee combatant ought to? Then adjust your strategy. You're a Hunter right? Pick up the Mida, slap on some Radiant Dance Machines, crank your agility up to an 11, and stop playing his game his way.
You aren't. You eat it and be thankful that the Titan didn't steal your girlfriend too. Next time hand over your milk money and be thankful that Titans don't give you a swirly
由The Snus Fairy編輯: 1/27/2016 9:50:34 PMIt actually requires you to press [b]two buttons simultaneously[/b] Also OP advice on how to avoid Stormcaller is "you notice it and run away." Lol da fack type of strategy is that. Git rekt bladedancer Bebe. I will gladly use my hulk for a solo kill on you. Juan vs Juan me Breh Have you considered a low sodium diet?