Your character has not experienced enough to use this item... yet. BUG
I have purchased Ghost Edition and redeemed the codes for limited ed.content ( ghost skin, emblem etc.), however when I attempt to equip it using I get the following error:
[b][i]Your character has not experienced enough to use this item... yet.[/i] [/b]
When accessing my profile through android app and Ghost Edition emblem is equipped it displays as the default emblem for my character not the one actually equipped.
Same when looking on my character on
I want everyone who looks at my profile to actually be able to see that I have those items equipped, myself included.
Has anyone come across this?
Main character is level 20.
The examples of items giving the error are:
Ghost shell - Frontier Shell
Emblem - The Inner Circle
Same here only I get a "requires special edition" or "requires pre-order" error depending on exactly what is being equipped but apparantly if you play the game the items are equipped but once you log-out you no longer have them and instead they give you the error