I officially own the best Machine Gun in Destiny.... the Xerxes-C, do you think your's can beat it?
Check out my level 39 Warlock (Xbox side) to see this god forged weapon, topping it off with a dose of Focused Fire also.....
Do you think you have a better Heavy for PvP, what is it?
Edit 1: If I level up then look for the Human Female Warlock (Xbox characters)
Edit 2: It's on my Titan now since i'm using other guns
Edit 3: To those who do not know Focused Fire will decrease the rate of fire for more damage meaning anything you guys compare that has the same impact my Xerxes-C will hit harder none the less.
Edit 4: You guys have kept some great Machine Guns, a popular one being the BTRD
Edit 5: WildRocker is a scrub?