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由Wildfire44601編輯: 1/7/2016 10:16:02 PM

So I had an idea....

I've been toying with an idea for, what I think, could be an epic moment in patrol. We all know about the enemy battles, like in the skywatch, but it seems impossible to get all the way through them. You might have a few randoms with you to start, but they usually leave when things really pick up. A full server (16 people) all working together, on the other hand, could really cause some carnage! I know the max size of a fire team is only 3; but there in lies a loophole (I think). One person brings in 2 for a full team, but once in, the team disbands. Now you've got 3 friends in the server, and they invite 2 friends and so on, until you've filled it. Has anyone tried doing anything like this? This could be a glorious mess of chaos if it can be done, especially if the taken decide to join in



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