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由AR IS4 NUBS編輯: 2/2/2016 4:34:50 PM

So.... what do now?

Now that Iron Banana is done, what is there left to do? A bit more of an explanation is in need. Story: Got to Rank 5 in IB in about 1.5/2 days due to having leftover bounties (on Titan). Then I moved to Hunter and got him to Rank 5 in 3-ish days. Last my poopy Warlock in 2-ish days (due to the other characters' buffs). Got NOTHING worth keeping from all packages on all characters. Plus, putting in way over the sane amount of hours into Iron Banana and STILL got nothing. "Oh man he's complaining about not getting anything... HURRR DDUURR." As we were told and know, IB was THOUGHT to give end-game gear, which it does... kind of.. or did way more in the past. But now, you rarely saw any worthwhile drops. Yes, there's still the Raid. But honestly THAT'S becoming just.. "something to do and get done." More of a chore than anything. Drop in, do the challenge for that week, continue to play if there's time left or if people even care to keep playing. This game has lost its zest. The linked video pretty much sums up where Destiny is at right now. It feels more like a chore to play this now. Anyone else feel the same? Even right now, I'm eating a banana and just looking at the XBL Dashboard with Destiny highlighted. I don't know what to do.



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