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2/6/2016 7:28:20 PM

The Word "Nerf"

Hello all, I just want to say that I am sick of the crap being presented towards Bungie. The one that is really bothering me is the "nerf". Everyone is whining to their parents and Bungie about some weapon being "over powered". News flash babies, Destiny is a game where you earn and find good weapons. You complain about a weapon that is "over powered" you make everyone who has earned it feel as if it was all for not. So next time you want to whine about a weapon instead of asking Bunige to nerf it grow some balls and get it yourself. I am tired of this crap being presented to us. Some people don't mind this okay. If worst comes to worst make the weapons have pros and cons. Just don't make them all go looney booney. Make them feel different and just not a burden. ESPECIALLY Exotics. Wake up community and realize that what you are doing is immature and stupid. For once in the lives of us use common sense. Try to find a way to ask for something that is not because of "I am sick of the thorn killing me NERF IT!!! NOWW!!!" Maybe just work on making everything have its high notes and its low notes. If you make everything balanced the whiners will start complaining about something else. Lets be honest all complainers like to do is complain. So with all that being said I would like to say thank you Bungie for tolerating whiny people. Thanks to you tolerating them the game is still running (I think). Also to all of you that want certain weapons "nerf" build a bridge and get over it. Its a game where you work towards "better" weapons. So when I get say, a "No land beyond", "Red Death", "Thorn", or "Mida Multi tool" I want to be able to feel like it was worth it. All of you complainers make it feel more and more not worth it. I love this game and the community is definitely a great group of people. However, the complaining and begging for someone to "nerf" something is starting to get old. SO either deal with it or try to ask for something less selfish to be done. Thanks Keep on Keeping ON!!!



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