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由sgtmuffin編輯: 2/6/2016 5:07:29 PM

Why the freelance mode could be disastrous

Hey all, In this weeks update they are releasing freelance. I'm assuming you know all about it so I won't go into detail. They are trying to solve a problem but I believe they are potentially created bigger problems by doing this. Here's why: Player segregation - separating your players into two groups naturally creates longer queue times. I don't know the statistics of how many players play in fire teams, but expect one of these playlists to have fairly long queues. Latency - two playlists mean less players to choose from. This means you are less likely to play against players that are more local to you. Expect at least one of these playlists to have more lag/latency issues. Skill - same as above, you are less likely to find players of the same skill. It sucks playing against fireteams that coordinate, but it also sucks playing against players that are far better than you. Now what's the best scenario? Players split 50/50 increases all these things minimally. Next best, players ignore the freelance mode and we deal with the issue of fireteams. Worst case, IMO the most likely, most players go to freelance mode making these problems extreme in the normal mode. Basically discouraging players to play together in a cooperative game... We can hope for the best but this is a bandage to the problem that only seems good in theory. I think the risk is too high for the reward. Let me know what you think.



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  • So an update to this post and some of the points made. I have played both freelance playlists and for the most part connections seemed decent no glaring issues. However one of the BIGGEST issues is the fact that people quit out. More specifically in 3v3 freelance. That shit is so dum and frustrating, if you're loosing 5 mins or so in one person leaves...then another leaves and you're by yourself against 3 players. Not cool and not okay. Hopefully that's only some of my experiences, but so far that's all of them. I'll keep playing to seeing where freelance goes, but for now it is for lack of a better term "aids".



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