It's time, I need to take a break until the next DLC comes. I'm not salty about that, in fact I've had more fun with Destiny than I have had with any game in a long time. Raiding goes right up there with Goldeneye and Mario Kart 64 for my most fun multiplayer experiences. Meeting & playing with the guys in my clan has been especially fun, and I'm looking forward to playing with them more in the future. TTK fixed a lot of the problems I had with Vanilla destiny, and I'm glad to have been along for the ride. I will be back, and I will probably even log in from time to time when clan mates need a sixth for the raid.
Now, that being said, Destiny still has a couple issues I'd like to see worked out in future, so I thought I'd leave some constructive criticism:
[b]The Infusion System[/b]: IMO the House of Wolves had the best way to upgrade gear. It was maybe a little to easy to reach max level, but you could get a really nice variety of gear, and everyone had different load outs and armor. The infusion system is great up till about 290-300 and after that it needs work. I can think of a few ways to fix it:
1 - When doing end-game content & special events (raid, IB, trials, etc) weapons and gear should always drop at or above your current light level. There is nothing more frustrating in this game than just needing that 320 class item to reach max level, only to continually get class items that are 315 or below from an end game activity. Ok, maybe it's more maddening to get a 310 doom of chelchis and a 310 harrowed doom of chelchis in the same drop, but you get my point.
2 - When you infuse a higher level gear into lower level gear the lower should then go all the way to the higher levels light. This is especially true for exotics. The grind of getting some of these special exotics like the Ace of Spades and No Time to Explain leveled up is extremely frustrating and unnecessary.
[b]End Game weapon perks[/b]: Let me start this one by saying I'm primarily a PvE player. One of the things I loved about year one was mowing down enemies with OP weapons. Now, I understand that this became a problem on the LFG sites because groups would only accept players with maxed Gjallarhorns and Black Hammers, but they fixed that this year by having so many weapons being unlocked by quests we can all do. However, none of the year two weapons are as fun as a Fatebringer, Icebreaker or Gjallarhorn...the only one that really feels like I want to have it with me all the time is Black Spindle. Bungie's argument is this creates more variety...but IMO for PVE it creates less. While in year one I was constantly juggling my arsenal based on burns and which shielded enemies I might face, In year 2 I typically run Hung Jury, Black Spindle & the Raid machine gun (or machine gun to match shields). I pull out the Jade Rabbit and swords from time to time for fun, but other than that I normally use the same load outs. There is nothing wrong with OP weapons, especially if they don't break the balance of PvP. I understand that guns like Thorn and Vex had to be nerfed to keep PvP competitive, but how did Icebreaker, Fatebringer, VoC, Black Hammer or even Gjallarhorn break PvP? GIve us back end game legendaries with unique sets of perks, give us back burns on primaries, give us back no checkpoint nightfalls with burns, and give us back guns like Icebreaker and Gjallarhorn.
When you combine these two criticisms I have about end game gear with a lack of fresh end game content I just don't want to grind as much as I did in year 1. Why keep going through the raid for another hand cannon with crappy reload speed and poor perks? So I can upgrade my favorite 310 exotic to 316 and spend a bunch of time and materials getting there? For a chance of getting the fabled helmet and the shader that comes with it? No thanks.
Again, Bungie did so much right in year 2: The story is 100x better. Special quests to get weapons like Ace of Spades are wonderful! Hidden quests for weapons like Black Spindle are even better! Overall I've enjoyed year 2 much better than year 1, but until these issues are addressed OR new content is delivered I'm ready to try something else.
Thanks and see you again when the spring update drops.