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3/3/2016 4:51:01 PM

Safezone pledge and being PC!!!

Here in Gaming we are very opinionated and can seem to understand each other, so from know on when we're talking about games, and see a post that pisses us off let's be respectful. Who's excited about the division, I got the gold edition, after reading this comment your opinions on the topic and the division. safe zone: A "zone" or area in which a human being feels safe - usually some place familiar, where they feel they have some control over what happens. A "safe zone" can be a phyiscal place or even a state of mind - one can be "outside their safe zone" when standing in front of a crowd, giving a speech. I get very nervous in front of a crowd of people, so that is obviously not part of my safe zone. Ex.)He's very familiar with the town he lives in; therefore, a sudden move would likely take him out of his safe zone. And being PC: Political correctness (adjectivally, politically correct, commonly abbreviated to PC[citation needed]) is a term primarily used as a pejorative to describe language, policies, or measures which are intended not to offend or disadvantage any particular group of people in society; in pejorative usage, those who use the term are generally implying that these policies are excessive. Tl;dr: The division is going to be awesome, be PC and respect others Safezones.



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  • The division will be awesome. Political correctness is -blam!-ing stupid. Let's cater to the people that get offended at dumb shit. I think not. African-American is PC, yet the majority of black Americans have been in this country for multiple generations, hundreds of years. There's nothing "African" about them. They're just black.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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