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由Stari編輯: 3/30/2016 2:34:36 PM

No Dedicated Servers, No Destiny 2 for Me

If there will be no dedicated servers on Destiny 2, i am not buying it. Already 1.5 year PvP and also PvE is mostly frustrated. The only people which can mostly play normaly are people which mostly have Lag Compensation advantage (Latency Lag) -----> you know: they win all the fights, because they see you (and so start shooting) earlier on their screen. For you it's like you die from 1 bullet, you don't have any armor or that you are shooting with a water pistol. For the enemies it's like they own you big time :) The rest of us are playing in the hope to be on the right side of the connection, for once....just because we know it's possible. This counts for all the PvP game modes. Mostly 1 red bar players are MVP. Only possible in Destiny. I have 11ms PING on speedtest and 0 packet loss: always being punished for my good connection. I see enemies much too late on my screen, or my bullets not being registered because of enemies packet loss/ bad connection. Dedicated Servers WOULD solve 95% of all problems, especially the latency lag. (my experience on COD) Also i think that players with bad connections should be punished and not rewarded.



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  • Unless Bungie has Dedicated Host Servers for All Activities (PvP and PvE) I will not buy it. I am not putting up with 2008ish Halo Era Peer to Peer one Console is Host D1 networking in D2.



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  • P2P servers and client-side hit detection are the cancer of any twitch fps. If p2p is as good as the people on this forum claim, then why all competitive FPS use dedicated servers. Can you imagine CS:GO run off a listen server on some dude's PC? Shudder. I've only recently purchased Destiny and only played for a couple of weeks, but can confirm the game breaking lag in PvP and pve. While I don't disagree that the network infrastructure in US is completely broken and run by monopolies, I still wholeheartedly believe that P2P servers are lazy and outdated. I understand using P2P for small indie games but not for behemoths like Destiny, especially if they have the capital from companies like Activision. Xbox Live and PlayStation Plus but no ded servers. Wow. People should stop supporting mediocrity. Trust me. It will only make games better for us all.



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    • 由KannibalKlown編輯: 3/30/2016 5:45:10 PM
      While I won't knock your general opinion that "if they do this again, I'm not buying further" That's a valid personal opinion. But your PvE argument is weird as personally since release, I've only ever had A) 2 zoo animals. Ever. And those were when XBox Live was having issues. B) 1 laggy PvE experience for about 20 minutes a month ago. That's it. So if you're having PvE issues, I'd consider looking locally. PvP, usually I see 1 or 2 red-bar people in a match. And "shockingly" they seem to top the charts -- I know, it's insane. But sarcasm aside, it's not a horrible choice to give laggers an advantage. If they have legitimate lag then punishing them makes the game unplayable. Unfortunately human nature means people will do anything for a competitive advantage. ----------------------------- Now, Bungie is not blameless in their "legitimate" lag issues. But part of the blame is the Router. Some routers cannot handle too many concurrent connections so certain P2P stuff goes sideways. Star Citizen's installer was similarly impacted unless you went in and changed some config settings.



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      • Everyone realizes Destiny doesn't use P2P or Dedicated, right ? It's a hybrid system. Old Redit reference: Quote: "Enabling this holy grail of online gaming are two important technologies. The first is Destiny's hybrid networking design, which locates itself somewhere between the server/client relationship of MMOs, where the world you're playing runs almost entirely on a distant server, and the peer-to-peer system of most online console gaming, where information is traded directly between players' machines. It's this approach that also enables Destiny to deliver the skilled, fast-paced action gameplay that MMOs have historically struggled to do." They also released a technical overview PDF that I'll update this post with when I find it. This all being said, they clearly need to continue improving their hybrid brainchild :)



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      • Destiny 2 in ps4.5 4k



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      • Umm, there are dedicated servers. What do you think they save our characters to? Or keeps the game constantly running online?



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        • Well packet loss can arise from any point asking the stream so 1 test didn't really mean much. chooses the "best" server by picking the one closest to you. Having 11ms pings on a connection with only 2 hops 15 miles away isn't exactly outstanding. Its expected. Also the largest annoyance in games aside from packet loss (should always be 0) is ping variance. You might have an 11ms ping but that's your average. You might have an 8ms variance or every few packets it might jump to 40ms. Honestly your connection is probably average, not above par like you think. Pick a server on the other side of the country and then you'll see more realistic numbers.



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        • Dedicated servers can't fix packet loss. Dedicated servers are crap if you live far from a data centre. P2P [i]theoretically[/i] sorts ping related issues (though SBMM thows a spanner in that works). NOTHING apart from major national infrastructure refurbishments will cure packet loss. Guess what hurts gaming experience most? That's right: [b]PACKET LOSS[/b]. The pressure that you apply shouldn't be on your game developer, but on your telecom provider. You expect developers to make perfect experiences built on broken networks. That is clearly becoming increasingly difficult to do. [u]Gamers must unite against the right enemy[/u], the governments and telecoms companies responsible for building and maintaining the infrastructure, not the innocent devs desperately trying to make something cool work on a shit pile of a network.



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          • Just saying, Dedi servers arent perfect. Halo 5 introduced them and now ot just feel like the entirety of the US has host not just one player on a match



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          • What size monitor do you play on?



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          • That's a lie



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          • Ok mr know it all



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          • Activision won't pay for them



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          • Red Bars win matches.



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          • Lets refer to the exclusivity deal between Sony and bungie. Bungie approached Microsoft for funding for dedicated servers (remember halo 2? This is how those dedicated servers were provided and that cured most, if not all issues) But Microsoft said no for destiny. Bungie than approach Sony for the same thing. Sony agrees. Where are these dedicated servers?



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            • Activision has never had dedicated servers for any of their games, which is pretty sad, because its -blam!-ing 2016, and they make billions of dollars. They could easily have them, but they won't. Bungie couldn't have picked a shittier publisher. Maybe EA.



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              • Not just dedicated servers, PvE and PvP need to be completely separate game modes, none of the overlapping bullshit that ruined countless things in PvE because of PvP nerfs.



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              • 由Darowing編輯: 3/30/2016 11:25:53 AM
                In my opinion... Destiny is a seasion ticket/ subscription. You cant play the old content. Vanilla destiny has no value. The dlcs are not a norrmal content extension ...they are seasion tickets. Once a new dlc is released ... the old content is irrelevant. Dedicated servers should be possible for a seasion based game like destiny .... but they want as much money as possible from you. And the worst part is that you pay extra money for a playstation plus subscription. And you dont get dedicated servers. Extra money for them. I think thats a typical united states problem. If americans are involeved ... only money counts. Makeing a real good game ...that humanity has fun ... is not the goal. Dont give american companys your money for a better world... Avoid us companys as much as possible



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              • I was trying to shoot people in Ib yesterday, headshotting people up close with my shotgun and it doing nothing, instead found myself getting slapped in the face by warlocks after I'd shot them, me dying, their health at full, it sucks arse..I hate this laggy crap



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              • Ok bye



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              • K. Bye then!



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              • k bye



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              • You can argue wether or not destiny PvP is competitive or not. I feel like people think that destiny PvP is or should be competitive is because of their MO with halo.



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              • Can you explain the difference between a dedicated server and what is being used now?



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                • Everyone automatically assumes that people that are lagging have a big advantage. This is not true. Personally, whenever my family is sharing the internet (Youtube, Netflix, etc.) while I am playing, I experience bad, red bar connection. [u]I cannot move, I cannot shoot people, I cannot punch people, people teleport, people run into walls, people freeze, I contact destiny servers, etc.[/u] It is just an all around terrible experience. And even if it may be true that we "see the opponent first,", doesn't mean we can actually kill them because half of our bullets don't register and neither do our melees. Now sure, intensional laggers use it to their advantage because they can continually play without error. But the casual poor-Internet-red-barrer like myself would much rather have a smooth, clean game than have to deal with everyone in the game running into walls and off cliffs, teammates teleporting up, down, left, right, and the usual hit someone with a snipe to the head and don't get the kill until 10 seconds after the fact.



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                  • Bump



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