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由BuffBlinkNerfFusions編輯: 3/30/2016 12:39:02 PM

Quick resume of today armsday weapon rolls

Suros dis 47: Meh do not pick up Poor's Man DOP:: Good roll here. Last one pick up Thesan FR4: Nearly god roll. If you have to pick one up, either the third or first option Suros rocket launchers: Do not pick up. One has proximity but bad middle perks Suros ARI 4: Iis good here. Roll 1 or 3 Hakke Pulse rifle: Either roll 1 or 3 Next week: Hakke Zarinaea-D Auto Rifle SUROS AIR-41 Auto Rifle SUROS DIS-43 Scout Rifle SUROS JLB-47 Rocket Launcher Hakke Jingukogo-D Shotgun Bye



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