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由FrostedSaber編輯: 4/6/2016 3:25:13 PM

Do you think Destiny II will use a new game engine?

Yes, new game engine


No, same game engine


In your estimation, do you think Destiny II will be implementing a new game engine, or sticking with the same one as right now? A lot of players believe Destiny II will release on current-gen only, and ought to run at 60 frames per second. Some might say this opportunity warrants an upgrade on the part of the game engine. I'm curious as to whether the sequel will essentially look the same as it does now on PS4/XBOne, or whether it will surprise us with noticeably improved graphics and AI. Also, there have been rumors in the past month that the current-gen consoles will be releasing 4K-ready upgrades in the near future. Not to further spread something possibly untrue (Sony hasn't yet commented on these rumors), but if it were by chance true, do you think Destiny II would be taking advantage of the more powerful hardware? Are a new game engine and 4K graphics important to you in the next iteration of Destiny? I'd like to know! P.S. This isn't a petition to get Bungie to change anything in their production line. Obviously they've already started working on Destiny II and either have a new game engine already or not. This is purely out of curiosity to find out what people think, and what their expectations may be.



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