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4/11/2016 4:36:46 PM

Downgraded from Xbox One to the Xbox 360

Well unfortunately my Xbox One was destroyed by my one year old when I was at work by pouring juice into it and now I'm on the Xbox 360. I have The Dark Below and House of Wolves gear and inventory still but I no longer have the two dlc to play is there anyway I can get at least the two expansions back without paying for them again? I plan on buying another Xbox One but just don't have it right now. Pleeaaassssseeee Destiny!!!



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  • Last gen and next gen games are not compatible with one another, and purchasing a game on one platform does not grant it on another unless a special offer exists. Destiny does have an offer that upgrades Expansions I and II from last gen to next gen at no cost. The offer does not work in the other direction unfortunately.



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