This is one of many projects intended to install life into an otherwise slow form of offtopic.
This is a mini RP you are given your starting area and situation. You may not god mod or magically give yourself items. Your story will be unique based on the choices you make... good luck.
[i]Date unknown
Area Underground Research facility, Mars [/i]
The lights are dim and flashing as you arise from your slumber. Your memories are all but erased leaving you lost as to the nature of this place or how you have gotten here.
Beside your bed a surgical syringe sits on the table marked with a bio hazard warning. The door had also been left wide open.
All that's left is for you to decide what happens next.
[b]A woman yawns as she sits up and looks around in confusion. She picks up the syringe and slides out of the bed, slightly stumbling due to her legs being half asleep[/b]
Where....... Where am I?.....