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由Muffy編輯: 4/21/2016 10:07:09 PM

What gear are you using in DS3?

I'm wearing the fallen Knight set and using a crest shield and a heavy dark sword +10 atm. I also have a longbow +3 and a torch equipped :p edit: wearing the wolf Knight set now edit: using the dancer set for NG++, that set looks amazing edit: switched the shield for a parrying dagger



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  • Head: Tattered Mask Chest: Fallen Knight Arms: Fallen Knight Legs: Pyromancer Weapon: Fire Uchi +3 (working towards Butcher Knife) Pyro Glove +3 I think that set looks amazing for a swordsman type class tbh. I keep trying to join friends games so I can drop it and bring in my lowbie assassin to give it to him but it doesn't seem to be working out very well. He can never see my sign when I'm on my higher level char but I pop up immediately on my char around his level even though we have a password.



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