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5/4/2016 5:52:39 PM

Alliterate Soldiers community members spotlight (LesUber11)

Every week we will be throwing the spotlight on one or more of our Clan members, this is to showcase our community and the clan as a whole. Each week we ask members to answer 10 questions relating to their gaming past, destiny experience and membership to the Clan. [b]LesUber11[/b] Adept Clan Member [b]1. Why did you choose that gamertag and what is the background to it[/b] My gamertag started as Les UberShizer back on the original xbox. The inspiration came from Eric Cartmans mum who starred in an Ubershizer porn movie in an episode of Southpark. I shortened it to LesUber11 when I moved to PS4 a couple of weeks before TTK came out, as my daughters kept asking me what Ubershizer was. [b]2. Why did you decide to join the Alliterate Soldiers[/b] I have never been in a clan before. Read a few posts on the forum and this one stood out as one with values I could fit in with. [b]3. What do you like the most about the Clan[/b] I like it's leadership, there always seems to be something going on, clan wars, raid help, challenge help. I just like the feeling of camaraderie when I'm in a full fireteam of clan members. I've even started IRON Banner for the first time this weekend (thanks Cyborg_66) and I've really enjoyed it even though I'm dreadful at pvp. [b]4. What would you like to see added to improve the Clan[/b] Admins could randomly choose one lucky player from the clan to join them in a raid, nightfall, trials etc, this could be streamed live. There may be a clan member who has not played with an admin before and would be a good way to get to know them. [b]5. What is your first or main character including set up I.e subclass[/b] I've had all 3 characters and levelled them up equally. My favourite setup for each is the Hunter Nightstalker, the Titan Sunbreaker and Warlock Stormcaller. [b]6. What are your favourite weapons i.e primary, special and heavy[/b] Year 1 favourite weapons were Badger CCL, Black Hammer with Gjallahorn. There is lots of variety for Year 2 but these ones I've enjoyed the most. Not like the others, Hung Jury, Black spindle, Telesto, Sleeper Simulant, Quillems Terminus. [b]7. What is your favourite game type and why[/b] I like the Raids best, I enjoy the challenge and running with clan members. I love the groan of the person torn at sisters and the sigh of relief from the others. However as I've said I've been strangely drawn to PVP this last week for the first time. [b]8. What is your fondest moment from playing Destiny[/b] My fondest moment was getting my first Gjallahorn from a nightfall In year one after months of trying. I cheered so loud, even my wife congratulated me with a firm handshake when I told her the news. [b]9. What keeps you playing Destiny[/b] What keeps me playing Destiny is being in the clan, I'm part of a raid weekly team and getting to know other members and I can hardly wait for SRL to come back. Not sure what to make of this Crimson valentine business. But if HSKingRiot wants someone to die really fast so he can get his boost then he doesn't have to look any further than me. [b]10. What is the current in-game goal you're trying to complete[/b] My goals are to get Oryx challenge on all 3 characters, to reach rank 5 in Iron Banner. To find time to grind for solar exotic sword. To go flawless and get to lighthouse in trials, well maybe not trials. But the others should keep me busy.



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