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由Ghostfire239編輯: 5/5/2016 3:56:06 PM

Got a Question about Ecthar the Sword of Oryx

I know this is a bit of a dumb question to ask but is it possible that Ecthar is not the knight we see talking to Oryx (At 6:19 of the video)? It's just that the Knight rivals Oryx in terms of size and when we fight Ecthar he just about the size of a regular knight. This Knight is the second Hive we've seen that can talk. There was also some talk of Crota having a brother. Beside just look at him! He look's like he should be part of the story A LOT more! I don't know, maybe I'm just being a fool but I just feel like he should have been a raid boss in King's fall or something. AT least give him a grimore card so we can know why he looks so different.



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