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由Devious編輯: 5/13/2016 5:57:36 PM

Returned to orbit for no reason

Every so often, probably around every 30 to 45 minutes, I get returned to orbit for no reason. Doesn't seem to matter what I'm doing, it's happened in crucible, the tower, joining friends in orbit, anywhere. No error code is given, just returned to orbit out of nowhere. This only started in the past couple days so I'm assuming Bungie broke more code trying to tweak the melee. Bungie, if you can get off your lazy a*ses and at least tell me what you broke even worse than it was before so I can avoid it, that'd be nice. Update 1: The issue got worse, now I can't even select anything from the directory before it returns me to orbit. So I deleted this godda*n piece of sh*t from my hard drive. I will redownload it and see if that fixes it, but I don't expect it to.



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