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5/15/2016 9:13:39 PM

Anyone else feel like I do about SBMM?

I don't think it's in play that much. Not very many complete blowouts so I know it's there but omg the amount of people bitching about it is ridiculous. I play crucible to have fun and I really enjoy the new update/"meta". Yes crucible matches are sweatier than they were I'm year 1. Not gonna argue that but that doesn't mean it's SBMM. My opinion is that many players have left. Can't deny that either. So there's fewer and fewer players each month and the ones that are left are really enjoy crucible so they play it a lot. Play something enough and you will eventually "git gud" right? So the quality of the players is going up while the quantity of players is going down. So you're more likely to go up against highly skilled opponents. Which means a sweatier crucible I also believe that many "casuals" to the crucible have stopped playing it and just stick to PVE. Which means fewer and fewer less skilled opponents. Which means a sweatier crucible. Now I know I'm generalizing here and there are people who don't fit in these categories so don't make that argument. And FYI this is just a theory. Could be completely wrong but just thought I'd put my opinion out there since I'm tired of people bitching about SBMM when I don't think it's the problem



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • Less people each month? What are you saying!1 Some bearded Destiny streamer, he has aroun 400+ viewers every weekend and yes you guessed it he does "trials carries", said, he knows theres over a million unique IP adresses every day in Destiny, Ofc my post is sarcasm but what he said wasnt.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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