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由IzumoKousaka編輯: 5/27/2016 7:28:31 PM

Opt-Out of In-Progress Matchmaking

Implement a settings and/or preferences function for Crucible Matchmaking. I've been trying to play Iron Banner for the past 43 minutes and the matchmaking system has thrown me into the same 3 matches over and over and over. In Orbit > Set Destination > Crucible In the Crucible Playlist Selection Screen the BACK button on XBox 360 ( and respectively for every other console) has no function. Apply the settings/preferences to that. By pressing BACK a settings page much like the one we have in our main menu will be displayed with things like: - In-Progress Matchmaking > Opt-In > Opt-Out And whatever other settings may be relevant; like Region, or Latency, etc....



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  • After a 9 hour work shift I come back in hopes of actually being able to play some Iron Banner. No, instead I've been thrown into the same In-Progress match 3 times in a row, then 2 other random matches also in-progress. [spoiler]Not like this!!! D:[/spoiler]



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