A new game piques your interest, but you're not set on whether or not you should buy it. So, you visit your most trusted videogame reviews website. Who would that be?
[u]Your other options are the following:[/u]
1. "I ask my friends."
2. "I base it on mass appeal, and how most players have received the game."
3. "I don't get a second opinion before buying a game and instead go off how I think it looks."
4. "I simply buy it without giving it much consideration, because I have money to waste."
由Sir Maximoose編輯: 6/17/2016 1:35:54 AMI usually look at reviews from somewhat lesser sites, because I find they tend to be more objective. Other than that, I look at short gameplay videos and/or watch an episode of a let's play that a YouTuber has done. I'll also watch AngryJoe if he does a review of a game I'm interested in; but that rarely happens, so that's usually purely for entertainment purposes.
I usually just trust my own opinion. If it's a game that looks good from the trailer/gameplay, I'll buy it the day it comes out or preorder without much thought. If it's a game I'm not sure about or don't care to get right away but maybe get eventually, I'll wait a few days and watch a couple Let's Plays of it and see what other people are saying and see how it looks from then, and then make my decision. This way has only bit me in the ass once, so it works pretty well for me.
None. This is pretty much what I do; Trusted franchise? (Kirby, Dark Souls, etc) Yes: +1 No: -1 Do I have the funds? Yes: +1 No: -5 Multiplayer only? Yes: -5 No: +1 RPG? Yes: +1 No: -1 Fantasy? Yes: +1 No: -1 Nudity/Sexual Content? Yes: No buy No: +1 And that's howI decide on games! :D It's never a defenitive yes or no, no matter what the number, though.
I read reviews on ign, gamespot, and Kotaku. I look at general consumer reaction on forums. I look at consumer reviews at Amazon and gamestop. Then I decide if I want to spend 60 dollars on it. Most of the time I choose to wait until a sale.