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由Jaymz編輯: 6/23/2016 1:12:17 PM

Am I too obsessed with Destiny? $1,049 game

I've been playing Destiny since the day it came out. Didn't hear about it till one of my bosses told me about it, I work at Target so it was right in front of me when I was working. Pick up a copy and have been playing it non stop, though I do play extremely less when the content has been out for a while or when an update like "House of Wolves" and the "April Update" comes and makes the game extremely easy to get everything. [b]Nevertheless I still love this amazing game.[/b] Anyways I made this thread because there is a spot in my room where I just keep stuff a like, I mean stuff I really love, some is games, some is music, and some is souvenirs that mean something to me. Then I notice how much of that stuff is destiny, a lot of it then I was wondering how much money I spend on Destiny so I started thinking. [u]Money spent on everything involving Destiny[/u] : Destiny - $ 54.37 Dark Below + House of Wolves - $ 34.99 Destiny The Taken King (Digital Download) - $ 39.99 Destiny The Taken King Collectors Edition - $ 98.04 Taken King PS4 - $ 362.51 Silver (total amount) - $ 259.93 -*Note*This silver was bought of a course of nine months -$20 for the orginal emotes -$40 for the Festival of Lost event and emotes -$50 on SRL and emotes -$150 on all 3 sets of Desolate gear, should't have been this much but I was being stupid and opened chest on my Warlock to try to get the Titan and Hunter set. Bungie Store (total amount) - $154.18 Destiny Rise of Iron - $29.99 Bungie's Twitch Channel - $15.00 [b]Total Amount - $1,049.00[/b] After I did that math I was so shocked, never thought I end up spending that much on a game and stuff that relates to that game. Then I started looking at how much time I play destiny on . Not sure if it adds time afk in the tower, or time afk in orbit in all of it. [b]Total time spent playing Destiny - 1,744 hours, that is 10 weeks 2 days 16 hours 45 minutes and 22 seconds.[/b] I love this game, it is my second favorite game of all time, first is Tales of Symphonia as seen in the picture. But I do have some interesting stories for Destiny. When TTK dropped and I had class I made sure I woke up at 4am and played for 3 hours before I had to head out for class. When Kings Fall came out, I had to work from 6am to 2:30 but my boss let me come in from 4:am to 12:30 so I can go home and play the raid right when it came out. Played this game with friends/family/co-workers and so many random people online. Made lots of new friends through LFG and from forums and some enemies arguing. Its just been like any other MMO I've played in the past, very time consuming and got to love the grind with friends, get mad when I don't get something I want then it extremely happy when you finally get what I've been hunting for. [b]I really do love this game, but am I too obsessed with it? How much money have you guys spent on Destiny, also how much time?[/b]



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  • Muted.



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    • Not to feed your habit or anything, but the Destiny Mega Blocks sets are available now...



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      • As long as your work and home-life are stable and you're not hurting anyone then do what you want, man. That's a lot of money and time spent on one game which some people, including myself, would say is rather excessive but you obviously enjoy it so who am I to judge.



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      • bump for edits, since so many replied asked me how I could spend that much on silver I posted when I spent the silver. Also some grammar and spelling errors I corrected in the OP.



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      • I have probably spent about the same and have 2700 hours.



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      • [quote]I've been playing Destiny since the day it came out. Didn't hear about it till one of my bosses told me about it, I work at Target so it was right in front of me when I was working. Pick up a copy and have been playing it non stop, though I do play extremely less when the content has been out for a while or when an update like "House of Wolves" and the "April Update" comes and makes the game extremely easy to get everything. [b]Nevertheless I still love this amazing game.[/b] Anyways I made this thread because there is a spot in my room where I just keep stuff a like, I mean stuff I really love, some is games, some is music, and some is souvenirs that mean something to me. Then I notice how much of that stuff is destiny, a lot of it then I was wondering how much money I spend on Destiny so I started thinking. [u]Money spent on everything involving Destiny[/u] : Destiny - $ 54.37 Dark Below + House of Wolves - $ 34.99 Destiny The Taken King (Digital Download) - $ 39.99 Destiny The Taken King Collectors Edition - $ 98.04 Taken King PS4 - $ 362.51 Silver (total amount) - $ 259.93 Bungie Store (total amount) - $154.18 Destiny Rise of Iron - $29.99 Bungie's Twitch Channel - $15.00 [b]Total Amount - $1,049.00[/b] After I did that math I was so shocked, never thought I end up spending that much on a game and stuff that relates to that game. Then I started looking at how much time I play destiny on . Not sure if it adds time afk in the tower, or time afk in orbit in all of it. [b]Total time spent playing Destiny - 1,744 hours, that is 10 weeks 2 days 16 hours 45 minutes and 22 seconds.[/b] I love this game, it is my second favorite game of all time, first is Tales of Symphonia as seen in the picture. When TTK dropped and I have class I made sure I wake up at 4am and play for 3 hours before I had to head out for class. When Kings Fall came out, I had to work from 6am to 2:30 but my boss let me come in from 4:am to 12:30 so I can go home and play the raid right when it came out. Played with game with friends/family/co-workers and so many random people online. Made lots of new friends through LFG and from forums and some enemies arguing. Its just been like any MMO I've played in the past, very time consuming and got to love the grind with friends, get mad when I don't get something I want then it extremely happy when you finally get what I've been hunting for. [b]I really do love this game, but am I too obsessed with it? How much money have you guys spent on Destiny, also how much time?[/b][/quote] Loooooooooooooool, niiiiice.



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      • Ignore the crap people are saying. I spent $220 dollars on this game already, because I like it.



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      • Nothing shocking there... [spoiler]except the ungodly early mornings, and that is more silver than I could usefully use[/spoiler] Best value for money game I've ever bought.



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        2 回覆
        • It's your money so spend it on whatever you want. I think it's really dumb that that's what you decide to spend your money on. Especially silver, in a already paid game. Which is why we will just keep seeing more micro transactions. I guess buying gear that will be obsolete come next expansion and you can/will get by playing is better than getting DOOM, or weed, or something for your girlfriend, etc.



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          12 回覆
          • At first I was like, ah well, the dude likes the game, that money is probably two or three consoles for family or something. Then I read over 250 dollars spent on silver., the price of a console! The only thought I have now is that you are just another moron throwing money at the screen for completely useless cosmetics.



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            6 回覆
            • $260 on silver? What an idiot.



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              • Total money spent on Destiny = $1,049 Paying PSN to play online $70 Not being able to play Trials or IB due to Destiny = Priceless [spoiler]Seriously though, Everyone needs a hobby, Yours is yours (and surprisingly cheaper than most)[/spoiler]



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              • +1 just for Tales of Symphonia /High5



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                • Bruh money has been spent on pretty stupid things this is not one of em. You paid all that and have enjoyed the game this long I'd say you got your money's worth



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                • Didn't know hitman was in destiny



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                  • You're the reason why 6/10 games are becoming the new norm. When people pay for mediocre, mediocre is all they're going to deliver.



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                    • I'm at about the same. Xbox 1: $500 Destiny with expansions: $95 Another Xbox 1: $500 Year of gold: $60 TTK digital collectors:$60 TTK physical collectors: $70 (on sale) So all in all about $1295 about. The second Xbox was so that my fiancé would be able to play with but that never happened sadly.



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                    • 由SOB BADD0GGIE編輯: 6/22/2016 6:28:18 PM
                      Personally, I could think of a few other things that I'd like to spend a G on. Realistically, I know that I've spent at least that amount on replacement controllers because of moments of rage. It can be a little intimidating/eye opening when you look at the big picture. To be fair, though, $1000 over the course of 2 1/2 to 3 years isn't all that much, especially when you consider the long term investments (I'm looking at that PS4 purchase). I've probably spent that much or more in single malts and bourbons the past year...and that was literally pissed away. Pretty much what I'm saying is that if you have the disposable income to burn, then do whatever you want with it.



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                    • I think I'm up to like 400 in content and merch. I got that Spooky Ghost Edition and some banners, that's where the bulk is.



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                    • I mean, Ive spent a bunch too but honestly Ive bought far less games these past two years in trade off, to the point where I think Destiny saved me money lmao If you have 10 weeks of nonstop play, chances are you probably havent spent much on other games either. Youve spent like enough for 16ish full price games for the span of two years with that money



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                    • Keep bragging how you spend your money, We all wanna keep listing. Noob.



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                      8 回覆
                      • I spent 2k on pornhub... in one month. Am I addicted?



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                        • If it is having negative effects on your health, family life, or financial situation then yes. However, if everything is still chiki briki then no.



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                          • 1300+ hours:



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                          • Meh, I have friends who work in McDonalds and buy Jordan sneakers. I personally wouldn't spend that much money but that's just me.



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                            • Please tell me your job;-;



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