Recruiting for Halo 4 and Halo 5 Clan: Bahamut's Kingdom of Dragons
Hello, I am Ultra Noah. I am recruiting for a Clan on Halo 4 and Halo 5 named: [u][i]Bahamut's Kingdom of Dragons.[/i][/u] We are are both a military-based clan (Role-Playing based/teamwork) and competitive (1v1 m8).
Right now, are clan is at 100 members+ and has won 59 Clan battles. We have 10 branches so far in our clan (sections that you are in).
If you wish to join, pm me or send me a message via Xbox Live or leave a comment here. I believe we also take propositions for alliances. The requirements are, well there are only 2: Be 13 Years old or older and Be mature, and tell me which console you are on (360 or One, or both).
For more information, visit our clan website at We also have a Kik group, which I'll pm you if you're requesting it.