Bungie Day 2016 -- Over and Done (Pictures, Video, Memories)
Bungie Day has come to a close. This year, old and new members alike joined together in a harmonious show of camaraderie, joy, and space magic to enjoy each other's company. Be you from America, Germany, Australia, or even Canada (like me!), Bungie Day is a community holiday that transcends borders and timezones.
To mark this year one the world like never before, the community came together and hosted game nights and photo-ops like never before. I'm proud to be a member of the Septagon -- Bungie's Seventh Column. I've put together an album of my favourite shots and made a video for all to watch (with a little extra something at the end).
Thank you, Bungie and the Septagon, for giving me a community like no other to be a part of. I hope you all enjoyed your day as much as I did.
Stay classy, community.
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Community/Detail?itemId=208547149][b]Community Creation page[/b][/url]
Thanks again for putting this on, Char! All the photos, and the video looks awesome.
I also like how the Halo lobbies looked like a true family photo, trying to get everyone to stand still for the picture then the moment it's taken complete chaos from everyone.