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由FoMan123編輯: 7/6/2016 4:43:33 AM

For those of you who say "kys"

I'm very depressed and often on the edge of ending my life. I've never tried to, but all it takes is one attempt to end it all. There are times when I'm just about to kill myself. All it would take for me to go over the edge and end my life is three letters: kys. Something as simple as that could help me make up my mind to end my life. This is not a case of having thin skin. Sometimes people are in a vulnerable condition. They aren't thinking rationally, they're too deep in depression to make the right choices. All I ask is that you think about what you say before you say it online. You never know who's on the other end of the screen. You can joke around with friends, but you may be giving someone the final encouragement they need to end it all. [spoiler]Please don't take this post down Ninjas. Actually read it. People on here need to see this.[/spoiler]



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