What is the Bungie and Microsoft official opinion on the subject? If the practice is approved of by either or both parties, 'tea bag' everyone in sight to your hearts content. But if they do not....
Consider this: would you approve of 'tea bagging' in real world sports? Would you find it acceptable if a child that you knew was ' tea bagged' by another kid at school?
Just think about it: just because you have no problem with the practice does not mean that the person that you are doing it to is not taking offense. These days just putting a strong tone in your voice can offend people...
Their "official opinion" is: They have none. It's been around since Halo: CE, and isn't going away anytime soon unless they randomly remove the ability to crouch in games(which they won't). It's a meaningless gesture, but if it gets you worked up and throws you off then they accomplished their goal.
Doesn't bother me. But. The pc anti bullying moms will figure out their 11 yr old is getting t bagged and force corporate to halt the practice. Won't be able to hit the B button for 20 sec lockout. My educated prediction of watching people being offended and bullying perception.
If one is getting offended at some funny character animations (and if it were Halo still, a funny rag doll response), one should really reconsider their values. I will teabag for the very reason that people actually get their panties in a bunch about something so trivial.
Would you accept killing people acceptable in real world sports? Didnt think so. So why then would you conpare something related to that, which is in a video game, to real life?
Video game characters aren't people. In case you got confused. I mean let's look at the logic, what you do if anyone got shoulder charged or shot etc... It's a game. And technically it's a crouch that people use in the crucible.
The only people that get offended by tbagging are feminist tumblr users. Don't be a feminist tumblr user.