原先發佈於:Iron Hamster
Hello Guardians , hope the weekend is going well for you :) This is a friendly call out to all advice on the weapon No Land Beyond.
It one of the last weapons I'd like to get familiar with and have been having trouble in pvp. I feel the only place to get better with this weapon is the crucible , just any advice on which play list I should be on ( is rift better than control etc ) ? out of curiosity what are the perk choices that are better? what subclass would be best? I'd like to try and get better with the weapon on my void Hunter .
Any advice from those snipers out there who are comfortable with this weapon I would greatly appreciate it .
My first goal is to just get more familiar with the weapon where and how do you feel I should go about this?
Thank you always for your kindness and attention.
P. Hikita of iron hamsters clan NYC
I'm still grinding for NLB.... Sorry bud I'm pretty useless on this one.... Learn how to do the reload tactic however I know how that works
There's a lot of good advice on this thread. The red dot is a great tip. I main a NLB and either a sidearm or another sniper. I prefer being aggressive with the NLB- not fond of just camping. Just be aware that if you cancel the bolt animation, it will jam on you and its the worst feeling in the world lol. It has high stability too, so don't be afraid to get peppered by an auto rifle but still get that crispy headshot. I mostly play in skirmish or clash/control and that is where it shines. It's a great quickscope weapon as well. I'm not sure if I really have specific weapon advice... just personal preference or playstyle tips. If you ever want to play and you're on PS4, feel free to add me or ask me anything. :) Enjoy your NLB.
I would recommend using NLB on control, rift, and salvage since those playlists usually contain mid to long range maps. Also, aiming at someone's head triggers a red dot just above the bar within the scope, same with PVE. This tells you where the shot is going to hit. It ONLY works if your sights are on the head though. The gun is challenging to use but I have a blast using it from time to time, even though I miss about 90% of my shots in PVP:). Just play around with it and you'll eventually gain progress. Practice makes perfect. Hope this helps.
If you want to have fun use it with another sniper, last IB I did 6500 points with double sniper. Also to reduce the time between 2 shots you just need to sprint and the weapon is ready for another shot. But I suggest you to use it with a sidearm, if you have a good one, or a shotgun. Last thing, this is not an hardscope weapon, that's an active one. Use the radar and don't hardscope
Also you can't kill supers with it unless the master is active...learned that the hard way...
Honestly man just practice, you need to think alot more about positioning and stuff, and when someone is challenging make sure that you aren't peeking, you're hard scoping. You need to do everything in your power to put yourself at an advantage. Also it has alot more aim assist and a very low zoom scope so you can be a lot more aggressive with it than normal snipers, hard scoping corners and choke points always works best with me.
Use a sidearm. Look at the scope and wait for a player to go through it (look at the scope as much as you look at the players)
Use it on dregs on patrol. And get familier with the weapon. Personaly I would go universal remote and sniper, but you do you.
It's not really a competitive weapon, but it's fun to use. You can't use it like a regular sniper because of the sway. You basically have to stand still to snipe with it. It's super satisfying to land a headshot with it though.