Hello Guardians , hope the weekend is going well for you :) This is a friendly call out to all advice on the weapon No Land Beyond.
It one of the last weapons I'd like to get familiar with and have been having trouble in pvp. I feel the only place to get better with this weapon is the crucible , just any advice on which play list I should be on ( is rift better than control etc ) ? out of curiosity what are the perk choices that are better? what subclass would be best? I'd like to try and get better with the weapon on my void Hunter .
Any advice from those snipers out there who are comfortable with this weapon I would greatly appreciate it .
My first goal is to just get more familiar with the weapon where and how do you feel I should go about this?
Thank you always for your kindness and attention.
P. Hikita of iron hamsters clan NYC
It's not really a competitive weapon, but it's fun to use.
You can't use it like a regular sniper because of the sway. You basically have to stand still to snipe with it.
It's super satisfying to land a headshot with it though.