Tried getting Thalnok or any other of the ones besides the Wizard Belfur or whatever today and summoned the same dude 4 times. Also can someone point me to a source for understanding the various ruins?
Thanks in advance for the help.
Kind of off topic but I burned through 27 stolen runes on Sunday and didn't get one antiquated rune
T3 (antiquated runes) stays the same for the ebtire week. There are three t3 bosses that rotate weekly: Thalnok, balwur, don't know the name of the third. T2 (stolen runes) are rng for each time you summon them. T2 always consists of two T1 encounters. T1 (reciprocal runes) are also rng: one encounter at a time. If you find a reciprocal rune, it's already charged. Stolen runes have to be charged by three reciprocal runes, antiquated have to be charged by three stolen runes.