More and more plebs are t-baggin for literally nothing more than shooting you. More and more these same players are LOSING while they're doing it. It makes no sense.
For reference I don't t-bag unless i get bagged first undeservingly. From that point on it's open season as i'll dance upon your bones under the light of a mercurial dawn.
So for anyone confused as to how this works, here is a list of when you can bag your dead foe
(WARNING - t-bagging is wrong and this list should serve for informational purposes only. Don't T-bag at home...)
1. When you are WINNING
2. When you conquer a foe in some fantastic form despite their best efforts to evade you or shoot back.
EDIT - Heads up for those of you that believe I've posted this out of some QQ rage or other, I have not. this is shear satire and i'm genuinely reading the views of when others believe a proper Bag - O - Tea should be left for the dead lol
EDIT - 3. When you've just killed a blink shotgunner using Universal Remote (they do seem to run amuck in crucible these days lol)(also i'm just F&*&ing kidding)
I've said it once I will say it again. I t-bag any Mida users and anyone hard scoping. Mida has to be the biggest bitch weapon in the game.
I still don't understand why bagging bothers people. It's funny even when I get aggravated at my death. I'll see them bagging me and say "aaaand now they're bagging me". Most everyone finds it amusing in chat. We laugh and move on.
T-bagging is simply a way for homosexuals to announce their sexual orientation to everyone. To put it simply, any male who enjoys the simulation of putting one's scrotum on another man has to be queer AF. I don't have anything against gays but really don't care about them coming out of the closet in mid-match. I had no idea that a huge population of the homosexual community plays Destiny. I see it everywhere!
Im a grown man and sometimes I just bag and bag and bag after every kill. Am I proud of it? No. But I imagine the disgust and rage it causes in my victims...
1. People bought the game they can do as they see fit. 2. Most do it to try and get under your skin and throw you off your game. Apparently it's working. 3. If I get an awesome play, winning or losing I will dance and bag until said orbs vanish 4. You lag, I bag 5. If you bag, I bag 6. If I'm annoyed at you, I will bag so rapidly it should be considered a war crime 7. When is it appropriate to tbag? In the words of Severus Snape "always"
If you were the guy always killing me, and noone else (yes, i can see the feed), ill give you a quick tbag when i kill you. If you used a super at a stupid moment (in front of a whole team, while we're shooting you, ill either wave, or tbag you, depending on how stupid.if you tbag me, ill tbag back ferociously, as a little act of revenge.if you were being a camping sniper bîtch, you also deserve a tbag.
由CleverInvective編輯: 8/17/2016 5:05:25 PMTbagging after using your super.... Lol wut. You pushed a button- pro skills right there.
Whatever. I just go with it, and drop the deadly duo on them if they tried to do me. As for manners, eh. I find it funny that a crouch animation became equivalent to the bird.
由MiTCH編輯: 8/17/2016 6:46:38 PMOr how about whiny little bad kids stop reporting for "unsporting conduct" for getting t bagged when it's an in game mechanic. You shouldn't be able to be reported for an in game mechanic. And get over it t bagging is fun. Destiny is the only game filled with whiny bitches over t bagging. It's been around forever. Nobody bitches on halo about it. They do it in the competitive games everyone laughs.
The worst, for me, is in Trials when you have one guy on the enemy team doing nothing and he's the only one teabagging. I'll always get that moment when we kill the him, his teammates will then kill us, revive him and he comes over to teabag.
I don't like to t-bag or t-baggers in general. I think it's just someone being a sore winner. The only time I ever t-bag is if someone does it to me first, and I am just trying to show them how it feels.