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由Stinky Poopies編輯: 8/21/2016 1:12:06 PM

To whom it may concern @ Bungie

Hello there Bungie, I have 16 days played of destiny and have played since a bit after Dark Below was released. I recently switched to PS4 and have found that in total, I have every single exotic in the game on both consoles except for the coveted Jade Rabbit. If anyone at Bungie actually takes time to read this, I request a certain "random" buff in RNG tomorrow morning whilst I use my last 5 three of coins for a certain primary exotic engram to give me a certain primary exotic that starts with "Jade" and ends with "best gun in the game and most desired item in history Rabbit". With love, J EDIT: RNG was worse than normal lol, Bungie has not read this



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