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8/26/2016 11:51:30 PM

The hunt for the rabbit continues....

I've been hunting that damn rabbit since TTK season began. Iv rounded up each and every other exotic piece of gear and weaponry known to all guardians (with the exception of dark drinker. Two sword quests have done it for me. That material grind is never gonna happen again). You name it, I got it. Except for one legendary prize that seems to only be eluding me. The prized, Jade Rabbit. A fine specimen that bungie refuses to let me get my hands on. Friends of mine get them from nightfalls, what do I get? An emote. The get them from shaxx bounties, what do I get? Strange coins. They get them from exotic engrams, what do I get? A red death, or if I'm lucky, mida multi tool. Why bungie WHY. What have I done to not deserve the damn Jade Rabbit?



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