Alright, so, me and a number of people have pre-ordered Rise of Iron (hype train woo wooooo) partially because of the fact that the oh so coveted Gjallerhorn will be making a return. But the last time Gjallerhorn was seen, the wolf-themed powerhouse had been hit with a pretty bad nerf. I was wondering if whether the iron Gjallerhorn was planned to be more like the pre-nerf Gjallerhorn or the post-nerf Gjallerhorn. And if it will be more like post-nerf Gjallerhorn, can it return to its former glory? Pretty please with glimmer on top?
-KingHarmonia (jpitty91)
"We need to keep the fallen out of our country. They're bring ether, they're bringing war, they're dangerous. I will build a great great wall around the cosmodrome border. And these hive, we need to put a stop to them entering our city until we figure out what the hell is going on! And to the cabal, what do you have to lose? Now, I have a great relationship with the vex, and I think they need to hack the speaker's email servers and find the missing ones"
- Pre-wall politician 20plshelpus
Sorry, I saw the title and couldn't resist