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由Ghostfire239編輯: 9/4/2016 7:24:40 PM

This WILL Make You Angry...That or you will chuckle (If you do chuckle, I hope this happens to you)

So let's say you want to give some weapons to another character you are planning to switch to. You go to the tower with the plan of putting some gear in the vault for your second character to use but then notice some packages waiting for you. You open them, hover over and dismantle the class item you've gotten for [b]THE LAST 5 -blam!-ING TIMES AT THE SAME -blam!-ING LIGHT LEVEL AS ALWAYS[/b]...*Ahem* and then switch characters. You go to the tower on your second character and pick up the bounties you need. You then go to orbit and prepare to do the bounty. You go to your menu and realize you forgot to pick up the weapons from your vault You go back to the tower and head to your vault. You then scroll through the pages looking for the weapons that you brought over from your main character. You can't seem to find them. You then realize that you were so angry about getting [b]THAT -blam!-ING CLASS ITEM AGAIN, AT THE SAME GODDAMN LIGHT LEVEL[/b]...*Ahem* that you had forgotten to put your weapons from your other character into the vault. You then switch back to your main character and make sure you put the weapons in the vault. You switch back to your second character, go to the tower, pick up your weapons and go to orbit You then hear your phone buzzing next to you. You enter in your pin. The Destiny app immediately opens up. You stare at the phone for a moment. You put the phone down. You go to bed. You cry. So the moral of this post is...[b]DON'T GIVE ME -blam!-ING CLASS ITEM FROM YOUR -blam!-ING PACKAGES SHAXX!!!![/b]...and use the Destiny app to move things around if you can. ...How many times did I say "you"? I don't think I ever said "you" that much in my life.



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