Most likely this won't be heard. But I'm going to give my idea a go.
I'm not going to list my class nor I'm going to be hating on any class, subclass or fighting style. Unless it's to prove a example. Of course I'll be using what the community has been trying to nerf.
I'm here to tell the bungie team and anyone who cares for the future of this game. Why and how you can fix this game. By now I'm sure you guys already know this game is unfair, nerfed more than COD, and definitely needs to have more ideas than power.
Of course I should get to the point. What I believe is the key to making a better destiny for the future. Is to have one of the most basic combat system ever created. Literally most to every game has it when it comes to PvP or PvE.
I'm talking about combat balancing. A great example of combat balancing is the three elements. Water is to earth as earth is to fire as fire is to water. So basically everything is weak to something, just like how fire is weak to earth. Of course everything is stronger against something, just like water can destroy Earth.
So what I'm preaching is that every class should be strong against another, however weak to the other. This is how I would form the perfect balance triangle and I will explain how.
First let's start with the hunter. The hunter is supposed to be agile and fast so naturally he can out do a warlock and quickly move and confuse the warlock.
However the Warlock, magic, is more Superior than the Titan, brute force (Example Superman and magic). However the Titan and his brute force can surpass the weak and defenseless Hunter. And there we go a perfect balanced triangle.
Of course that is why I want to wait till destiny two. Because people would be completely upset that their character is underpowered. And I'll understand. But with this system in the game. There will be more fireteam teamwork in the PvE game. And even in PvP where there is suppose to be teamwork more than anything.
And especially what's good about this is that. Even if people bitched about let's say a hunter and his shadow jump. Well let's say that you play as, Oh a warlock. Well it will still balanced because their is no Titan crying about it. Or a Titan and his shoulder charge. If only one class is complaining about it then there is no need. Especially if it's , in this situation, a hunter.
It also works as a counter balance. Especially when Titans are killing more warlocks then warlocks killing titans. You, the bungie team, nerfed what was not supposed to be nerfed.
And I'll tell you this now. Do not try to combat balance the classes with the subclasses and their element like void. Because for some especially the Titan. The defender is far by the most weakest subclass there is. Thanks to the defender bubble. You can't expect the defender to defend himself with a warlock especially when the warlock can go through the bubble. And not to mention the element favored weapons.
If bungie did this there would be no overpopulated population of a class. There would only be what someone would what to be. Like a brute Titan, or a agile hunter, or a wicked warlock. That is what I literally thought when I chose my class. But after a few days. No hours I realized it didn't matter. It matter only about the damage you can do with your subclasses.
If you agree please take this and repost it. I don't care about who takes the credit for it. As long as it is put in the game. I'm completely fine with it. So please repost it. And If you have suggestions or you think I'm wrong please leave a comment. I'll love to know your ideas.
Hold on, back up a second.
[quote]fire is weak to earth. Of course everything is stronger against something, just like water can destroy Earth.[/quote]
Earth beats fire, water beats earth, leaving fire to beat water?