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由AGuyCalledCuz編輯: 9/18/2016 5:40:16 AM

All 5 infections. Join

Hi all, I have had these infections since to latest update. I obtained these from a fellow destiny player. I have already infected so many guardians and I'm just wanting to share the love ;). So far from what I can gather if you already have infections they wont stack sorry guys (if you know how to get them to stack please send me a message or comment). BUT! if you go on an additional guardian you'll be able to obtain all 5 infections for that added xp. Level up your crucible, vanguard or even your factions while you are at it! Get that long bow, get that exotic class item of your faction. There is no limit! Infections as shown: Fortitude 3.1 Brilliance 3.2 Glory 2.1 Splendor 2.6 Magnificence 2.0 All give increased xp and reputation gain. HOW I'LL TRANSFER THE INFECTIONS: Now, the way I'll be transferring the infections is through destiny's new private matches. All are welcome! but i do have set rules. So please do follow. -Please only join if you have no infections currently active. -Spread the love to any friends and fellow guardians. -Have fun with them all and be sure to farm strikes leading up to Rise Of Iron! -If you have anyone you'd like to invite please be patient if the game is full. HOW TO GET THE INFECTIONS: All you need to do is send myself "AGuyCalledCuz" a message on Xbox. I'll invite you to a private game and allow you to gain the infections either through a head shot, orb pick up or super kill. I'll be hosting multiple games within the next few hours. Hopefully we can have constant game going of 30 minutes and having multiple guardians join. Don't hesitate to start your own private matches to spread the love. Let your friends know!



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