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由Jcaf8編輯: 9/21/2016 8:16:29 PM

The Dredgen Identity Debate

So with all of the Dredgen Yor posts recently made In this tag, I've decided to make a post solely to debate what I'd the answer and maybe come to a consensus as a community. Here are my beliefs: -because of the timeline, card evidence, and sheer obviousness I believe that rezzyl azzir is in fact the real Dredgen Yor. It makes sense that he was a respected guardian, that he lived at the timeline Dredgen did, that he met Xyor and-well, something happens. It all just matches up. Some aren't sure if Rezzyl is a Titan, I think he is, and the cloak you should keep in mind wasn't his originally, it was the hunter Pahanin Errata who he killed and took the cloak of. So he could easily be a Titan with a hunter personality after his transformation. Doesn't really explain how he got the rose since he was using a auto or fast firing rifle, so there's the debate. -The cathedral of dusk card and new thorn convinced me that there were Dredgen ripoffs after the encounter and death of Yor at Dwindlers ridge, so this other Yor who is spoken about at the rings of Saturn is a ripoff and is from a much later date in the future, possibly in the present figuring that we never went to the rings and that shaxx was speaking of him. Post below your opinion. Edit:I forgot to mention that the first rezzyl card describes him killing a fallen captain with a cannon, hence a hand cannon. So he does have a hand cannon and that could be the rose missing in the other card. I'm not sure how people aren't convinced yet that Yor=Rezzyl, but I would love to hear the opinions.



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