Instead of all the bashing or the clickbait news against the party nominees.... id like everyone willing to express atleast ONE positive/nice thing to share about the person you arent voting for. A reason to vote for them. I will start.
[b]trump wishes to bring back businesses from overseas. Which i find as a good thing. Enclose the system more to prevent outflow of money.[/b]
I am sure some will try to throw shades at the person the complement and use snide comments. Comments like "well hillary is really good at deleting emails" and such. Refrain from that but there are children on here so what can i do.
Clinton: A women that will be in a role that no woman has been in before, the embodiment of the USA. Wants to make jobs. Trump: A dedicated worker who is determined to make his people be safe. Gives answers with no BS. [spoiler]I dont have a political stance, I want Obama 3rd term.[/spoiler]
While Hilary is obviously going to win and has my vote... Trump's basic idea of temporarily banning Muslim immigrants from certain parts of the world is a breath of fresh air. Islamic values are not comparable with Western values. Freedom of expression, secularism, LGBTQ rights, woman's rights, other religions rights, the ability to have no religion all together, the list goes on and on. All you have to do is look at Europe. Disproportion crime, rаpe, sharia courts, and a general disregard for the values we hold so dear. Yes, while most Muslims are relatively peaceful people with bad ideas, there are still hundreds of millions who are actively waging jihad or support their actions. Trump spoke about it like a moron of course, and Hilary will probably let refugees for Syria, Iraq, etc, into our country and we will be just like Europe. In the US alone, Muslims make up less than 1 percent of the population and are six times as likely to commit a terrorist attack. It is obviously disproportional. What will happen when we hit 5-10 percent? Seriously ask yourself.
I have nothing positive to say about Hillary, so I'll leave you with this: there would finally be a female president
The only candidate I know for sure I'm not voting for is Jill Stein, and I don't know much about her other than that she's a bit of a kook. So uhh...she's part of the Green Party, and the Green Party cares about the environment, right? I like nature. Caring about the environment is cool.
由BrayerIncognito編輯: 9/30/2016 4:38:10 PM[quote]trump wishes to bring back businesses from overseas. Which i find as a good thing. Enclose the system more to prevent outflow of money.[/quote] Yeah he likes doing business overseas....even when it's illegal (Cuba) [spoiler]sorry, couldn't resist[/spoiler]