Not really a part two but at the same time it is.
The one about Yor being a hunter: [url][/url]
Now then you've the one about Yor being Rezyl. (if you read my other post) You've heard the one about Yor being a hunter. Now I'd like to sell to you the other, least thought of stance: Yor being a warlock.
I might even have a name for you this time. Pujari.
I can already hear you furiously typing away about Rezyl's card and the wizard and all the things in between. I ask you keep an open mind about this, nothing's been confirmed so the toss up is still available.
Let's begin. So Pujari, he the warlock that had the vision of the black garden and says "It grows in both directions", he's had a vision about it, etc. If you haven't read about Pujari I'll leave a link at the bottom for you with his related cards and items.
So one reason (and I'll admit, it's not a very good one) that I think Pujari could be Yor is because there's a picture of a warlock on Yor's card. Maybe not the best evidence but when you also consider the fact that Warlocks a well know to be ones to reach into dark places and sometimes not return, or at least, not the same way they left.
Next bit of info, the hero thing. According to Yor, he was once a great person and well know. Granted, Rezyl fits the picture there, but so does Pujari. Pujari has quotes on a bunch of titan marks and a few warlock things. He also had a viewpoint on what the darkness was. Interestingly enough, Eris grouped Pujari with the other warlocks (Osiris and Toland) that stepped into the darkness. Maybe just a coincidence, but doesn't hurt to throw it out there. No doubt though, he was well known and seemed to have a good rep. (especially with titans) and Yor didn't want his new identity to soil his old one.
Next bit, Yor's things. Yor had a hand cannon (thorn) as his weapon of choice, he had a cloak, and he had a hunter artifact. One might say that throws all we know out the window, but it doesn't exactly. We can tell by Saladin that cloaks can go to anyone. But as for the artifact, I can't think of a reason why, so........yeah. Anyway, the thorn itself. Hand cannons are a stereotypical hunter weapon. Auto-rifles are the stereotypical titan weapon. As for the warlocks, we don't really hear much on their mostly preferred weapon but based on Tlaloc we could assume it's a scout rifle. However given that a hand cannon is similar to a scout rifle (in terms of firing, and aim, and whatnot) I'm willing to make an exception here.
Next bit: the targets. Yor killed a titan (Thalor) and two hunters. (Pahanin and Jarren Ward) He also tried to killed Shin Malphur who is also a hunter. 3 out of the 4 targets were hunters and if there's one thing I know about hunter warlock relations, they don't like each other. The spoiler hold a few quotes to prove that statement.[spoiler][quote]"Your missions: protect the City. Look better than Warlocks. But don't look like you're trying." - Pahanin Errata[/quote]
[quote]"I can't shake hands with Warlocks. I just get so nervous they're going to vaporize me." - Pahanin Errata[/quote]
[quote]"Mission goal four, keep your boots clean. Five, keep your gun clean. Six, make friends with a Titan. Never know when one will come in handy." - Pahanin Errata[/quote]
[quote]You try and try and try to explain, but no one ever understands. No one who's not a Warlock. Who hasn't spent a dozen years scouring the ruins for one string of symbols, one clean code, one black talon. Titans just make a hmphing noise, if they've stayed awake. Hunters clean their nails with their knives and look at you like you've grown a third eye.[/quote]
[quote]"We learned how to blink from Warlocks. But please don't admit that." - from Aphorisms To Anger Warlocks, a Hunter handbook[/quote]
[quote]The Warlock mocked his rival’s pride. The Hunter ridiculed her rival as a dirt-grubber.[/quote]
Need I really say more?[/spoiler]On this note, there doesn't appear to be any warlock casualties. The favoring of hunters for targets and the lack of warlock targets makes me feel like this guy is warlock.
But one of the biggest reasons why I think Pujari, is because of his vision of the black garden.
Quote: [quote]The Garden grows in both directions. It grows into tomorrow and yesterday. The [b]red flowers[/b] bloom forever.[/quote][quote]I reached out to pluck it and it cut me with a [b]thorn.[/b][/quote][quote]The Traveler is life, I said. You are a creature of Darkness. You seek to deceive me.
But I looked behind me, down the long slope where the blossoms tumbled in the warm wind and the great trees wept sap like blood or wine, [b]and I felt doubt.[/b][/quote][quote]When my Ghost raised me from the sea there was a thorn-cut in my left hand and it has not healed since.[/quote]
Allow me to tie that together. Conveniently, there's mention of "Red flowers" [i]*cough*Roses*cough*[/i]. He's also cut by a "Thorn" which oddly enough never healed. Maybe that's just coincidence but he says, after talking to the ghost flower, that he felt doubt. He had doubts about the light, considering maybe what the ghost was saying was true. Maybe the darkness is good side of things. In time, he reach out to the darkness.[spoiler]Now for a [b]Hypothetical[/b] on what may have happened. I bet those doubts came to grow and eventually turn him away from the light. He researched the darkness and learned things he shouldn't have. He looked at the darkness of the garden to find it lived in the hive as well. He went to the moon and spoke with a wizard by the name of Xyor. He crafted a weapon with dark energies. (maybe even killed a certain guardian for it) The thorn was made, and with it he killed the titan Thalor and the hunters Pahanin, Jarren Ward, and attempted to kill Shin Malphur.[/spoiler][spoiler]Now I know the Rezyl theory and I'm sure someone's gonna say "Rezyl is the only one who came into contact with Xyor therefore he has to be Yor". It never said Rezyl took up the thorn, and until it says that, the Rezyl theory remains just that, a theory. Keep an open mind people.[/spoiler]
No doubt this theory will have some hole, it is just a theory after all.
Hope you enjoyed, thank you for your time.
Edit: This crackpot theory ain't over YET!
So I did a litte more digging and discovered that the warlock in the Thorn's ghost fragment pictures was wearing the Tengu Operant set. The boots of that set happen to mention "a thanatonought". (acutally the whole set is probably talking about thanatonought sutff but I can't tell). Anyway, Pujari was a thanatonought. Another link to him being Yor. BUT, not done just yet, Pujari also describes the darkness as a storm and Yor decribes himself as a hurricane/force of nature. More subttle links.[quote]Back to master thread:[/quote]
Somewhere in the grimoire it says Yor held his Rose in his strong hand. Maybe it's referencing the "Thorn cut" in his left hand?
I wish I didn't make my post about him being a Warlock and had just posted it here. I don't know if you believe my input has any validity to go with what you've written.