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原先發佈於:The Ashen Conflux
由Spenc編輯: 11/2/2016 11:14:34 AM

The end of our last city is by the vex.

Not the fallen, nor the hive. A race that currently in the game has no ties to our earth, other than it being talked about. Research for this began by me exploring the grimore card "Decedents" under the vex category. in that card i found this line. [quote]...should we take this as evidence that their defeat is impractical or unattainable?[/quote] and [quote]...and that the continued existence of the Vex is not remotely a sure indication of humanity's extinction. [/quote] Both of these got me thinking: "could the vex be our demise, and none of the other races?" It says there that if these creatures exist, that in the future we have failed to defeat them. It does also say that this isn't a sure sign of our doom. I wanted more proof, so i looked around a little bit until i found the grimore card "Vault of Glass 3" this card has many lines in it that are important, but it is pretty long, so ill pick out the ones i find most important. [quote]Some of the largest craft bear imagery familiar to frequent visitors to the tower: Dead Orbit symbols, the simple icon of the Vanguard. The New Monarchy and Future War Cult[/quote] and [quote]Every single ship, from the largest cruiser to the smallest personal craft, carries shards of stone, remnants of the City and the Tower. Banners too, tattered and worn from entering and leaving warp.[/quote] This whole grimore card is from the perspective of someone flipping through multiple images in the vault of glass, displayed but from what i can tell are dead ghosts, from past and future. From what i can tell, seeing how this is linked to the vex, these ships could be what consists of civilization after some kind of fight with the vex. A fight that we lost. [spoiler]Any support and [b]constructive[/b] criticism is appreciated. [/spoiler] Edit: Could this be the future war that the fwc is perhaps eluding too? They do have to do a lot with the vex [i]~the unjoj[/i]



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  • The Vex worshiped the Heart, and now that it is gone, they no longer serve the Darkness directly. The Vex will do anything to survive, however. They still do messed up shit, like tricking you into saving them and in turn locking away Praedyth to die... again. But they also are nice enough to have added us to the pattern. In the mission "Blood in the Garden" the Vex Descendants do not attack you. Even when you attack one, only that one and ones that see you will attack. You can easily go across the map and find peaceful ones. The Vex, at that point, were neutral to us... but we didn't care (except me, which is why I know this shit). We angered the Groundskeeper, who sent more Vex to -blam!- us over for disrupting the pattern. We are at war with the Vex again... and you didn't even notice when it stopped. Even worse is that you may have caused infighting between the Vex. The Descendants are the future, which now exist thanks to you. The modern Minotaurs that come after you don't care about you, but the Descendants do. Congratulations, after the Hive are gone, the Vex will come over and destroy everything. Nothing is safe when they perfect their abilities.



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    • 由JoeyJoeJoeJr45編輯: 11/1/2016 10:49:29 AM
      There's a lot of theories about the Vex but one thing that throws most of them off is the fact that the Vex are essentially computers and they run simulations and somethings they can't predict. In one of the cards it's mentioned a group of scientists studies the Vex and realizes they are running an infinite amount of simulations, they have worlds where you exist only maybe a major decision you made was different, or what you had for breakfast yesterday was different. They can predict every single outcome possible, and then take the one to the easiest victory. One reason why they can't understand Guardians is that Guardians are supposed to be already dead, and they can't understand that they are actually alive again. The problem with a theory of visions in the VoG is that the Vex could show Ghosts or Guardians simulations of what they predict will happen if they win, the only problem is Guardians keep screwing up the simulation because we are supposed to be dead.[spoiler]Sorry wall of text lol.[/spoiler]



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      • Maybe, but that is not their goal at hand. If you look at the grimoire for their weapons and the cyclops, battle is somewhat of a secondary function and they are tools. They are in fact dying off in their future if you look at how the Precursors look brand new and the Descendants look run down. Then they gained the power to weave time, albeit limited power usually connected to the vault of glass, and made it so they have always existed, hence why their architecture is billions of years old.



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      • Well you have to remember that the vex can't simulate guardians so they can't predict the future. Also that could be a possible timeline where we lost. You have to remember that as guardians we pretty much give the middle finger to time and space logic.



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      • I love the species of this game. The Vex especially. I find it odd that (correct me if I'm wrong) we do not see Vex on Earth or the Moon.



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        • The multiple universe or parallel universe theories or what ever they're called is pretty much canon in destiny the vex exist throughout multiple alternate timelines. And yes they've ended humanity in multiple different timelines thats what the stranger is trying to stop in almost all timelines one way or another humanity has already been wiped out long before they got to where we're at, our timeline seems to be different from the rest, your guardian different from the rest better stronger we've done what no other guardian or other timeline has yet to do. So vex the end of humanity? Not in our timeline, not if we have anything to say about it



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        • I feel as if we have created the Vex, somehow. If this is true, they could not destroy us in the past as it would prevent their future.



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        • [b]F[/b]UCK ! MY PLAN HAS BEEN SPOILED !



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          • 由Firewolf219編輯: 11/1/2016 7:17:24 PM
            The Vex could be our end, especially since they're practically infinite in number and we still know next to nothing about them. (All of the below is speculation, but with the Vex that's all we can do) However, they can be beaten. We witnessed on the way to No Time To Explain that the Vex had a future of becoming taken before we stopped it. The futures seen in the vault of glass card are only [i]possible[/i] futures, dependent on what we do now in this timeline. The Vex have control over their own time, but they cannot effect our timelines unless we exist in their space (like the vault of glass). This means that there are plenty of ways and opportunities to get in the way of their plans and come out on top. The question is how we do that, and the Vex are probably well aware of their own weaknesses and possible defeats, likely having been defeated before, which means that in order to win we have to exist in a timeline that beats the Vex in a way they haven't experienced before, which becomes harder and harder then more timelines they experience. We as guardians can't be simulated, so the only way for them to know for sure how to stop us from beating them is if they've already been defeated by us before. Eventually, in some timeline, they'll win, but the goal is to secure the timeline we exist in. Now, aside from all the time paradox stuff, the Vex don't even belong in our world. The traveler's influence led them here (on accident, of course) because they hadn't even existed in our solar system before the Traveler, yet they have structures on planets that are said to have existed in time immeasurable. Maybe we could force them back into their own world, too, thus securing our own. We don't understand the Vex, but once we do, I doubt they'll be any more of a threat than the other races are.



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            • I definitely think that the Vex are the only known enemy that could stand a chance against us. We've killed every known fallen leader, took out every cabal officer in the system, and killed the Hive equivalent of Zeus and his son, but we haven't really done any real damage to the Vex collective. The black heart was created in an attempt to emulate Oryx's power, but given that we beat Oryx, the Vex would have likely done away with it anyway. Other than that, the only truly unique Vex we've killed is Atheon which, while an important Vex, doesn't cause as much damage to the Vex as a whole as what we've done to our other foes. As a result, I do believe that the only reasons why the Vex haven't wiped us out already is that they're either seeking to learn something from us, or they don't know if they can and don't want to take the risk.



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            • 由wex編輯: 11/2/2016 2:47:19 PM
              Could be...Vex havent done anything because their calculations state whatever they try to do, doesnt end with them victorious. With that being said I think the vex will play some big part later in the destiny story. Because if it happens, they figured something out.



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            • I thought the community already solved this as proof the vex don't win



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            • The only way we can defeat the vex is by using the vex. Travel back in time, stop Crota from opening the portal. Next, enjoy the paradox.



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              • The future war is coming



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              • I guess all we can do now is sit and wait until genesis goes online. [spoiler]Genesis is skynet[/spoiler] [spoiler]or wait until judgement day[/spoiler]



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              • The only way we can defeat the vex is by using the vex. Travel back in time, stop Crota from opening the portal. Next, enjoy the paradox.



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              • Have people not learned dont -blam- with time!



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              • The vex skip through other timelines, what could have happened but didn't. In the VoG, all possible timelines converge in time's vengeance and is the purpose of the vault. The destruction in that card could have been from an alternate timeline where the vex defeat humanity; and so could the vex in our timeline.



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              • If the vex wanted to kill all the guardians, they would just teleport their whole species to earth and wipe us out. I don't think they care, or, you may be right and they are just waiting so they can make sure we die and they can take the whole system. Remember, their are other species that fight them. Guardians are the ones keeping the hive and fallen and stuff in check. If they killed all the guardians, the hive could still invade, or the fallen, or the cabal, or taken (technically are hive but whatever).



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                • The Vex are not wiping us out, because we have been manipulated into doing tings their way without knowing



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                • If they could wipe us out then they should be able to do the same to the hive. In their eyes, us and the darkness are on the same playing field in terms of power and unpredictability. There's something that's stopping them but even I don't know what it could be.[spoiler]I personally believe the queen of final shapes (the darkness) will be what wipes us out.[/spoiler]



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                • If the vex wanted to wipe us out they would have done already, they aren't evil, the only thing that makes them seem evil is the heart of the black garden but that's only their attempt at recreating the Hives powers, as they want to understand everything in our universe



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                  • They should be the most powerful race in destiny



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                    • The Descendants were in the Vault of Glass. The Vault of Glass supposedly keeps everything in it locked out of time. We breached it because of the Aegis helping us. These Descendant Vex are just the Vex from the future version of the Vault. Unless I'm wrong.



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                      • The vex are more like them keepers, they just govern time and make sure everything goes "as it's supposed to" they don't use time to take over anything



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                        • Yea boi, we gonna get yo asses



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